Senin, 31 Desember 2007

Nomad Plane Body and Three Victims has not been Found

Plane Body and Three Victims has not been Found

ARRIVES AT HALIM: Some paramedis brings Klasi Kepala ( KlK) Agus Riadi, safe victim the fall of ship Nomad TNI-AL in water territory Sabang, Aceh, when arriving at Halim PK, Jakarta, Senin ( 31/12). The existing finite of plane body and 3 victim has not been found.

BANDA ACEH--MEDIA: Pool team which consist of member of TNI Angkatan Laut, TNI ANGKATAN UDARA, Police, and SAR, has not successfully finds position of plane Nomad falling in water territory Sabang ( Island Weh),

Sunday ( 30/12), including three other victims.

Though has not been found, searcher team has estimated position of plane body, with guidance finds of overland flow

commodity exchange incorporated and plane debriss. To mark the position is said the word [by] some floats, causing the next scouting focus will be done around the area.

Actually, diver team has done diving until depth of 60 meter-70 metre, but so at 1700 WIB, victim and position of plane body has not also is found.

Scouting of victim and plane body at second day is led [by] direct Danlanal Sabang, Sea Colonel ( P) Three Wahyudi by entangling Kapal TNI AL, ship Satuan Pol Airud, and SAR.

According to information, diver team from Mabes TNI AL in Jakarta, will be mobilized to assist looks for victim and plane body. Three of seven plane victims Nomad property of TNI Angkatan Laut falling in water territory of region Desa Ujung Kareueng, District Sukajaya, Sabang, which has not been met, namely Lettu Eri Syambudi ( pilot) and Letda Aris Supitoyo ( pilot cobalt), and Mayor Suwito ( Commandant Lanudal Sabang).

While, four other have been found, two safe people, namely Agus Riadi and Serka Agustono, while two again passed away, Triadi and Serma F Yudi.

Both safe victims have been controled the flight of to Jakarta to get intensive care, while victim is dying intered in native land, namely Medan ( Sumut) and Yogyakarta.

Going away of corpse and victim done in litre ceremony in house yard Sakit Angkatan Laut Sabang with ceremony inspector Danlanal Tri Wahyudi, is partaking attended [by] Danlanud Sabang Letkol ( Pnb) Eko T Tubiantoro, and Acting Mayor Sabang Islamuddin and member of local Muspida.

Scouting of victim will be continued at Tuesday ( 1/1) by entangling diver team from Mabes TNI AL(Ant/OL-03)

Sabtu, 29 Desember 2007

the Government Needs Development Data Perfilman Indonesia

JAKARTA—MEDIA: The Government waters down order produce of area perfilman by the way of producer enough registering its(the film before produced as a mean to data about development perfilman of Indonesia that is now rapidlies grow.

" Many things which has been done Direktorat Perfilman, Department of Culture and Pariwisata. Now producer enough registering its(the film before produced," said Direktur Perfilman Depbudpar Bakri in description is written [by] it in Jakarta, Kamis ( 27/12), due to pro- counter of regulation perfilman Indonesia.

Development of film in Indonesia so quickly. Seen from the many films produced. Number of films produced 2007 78 film headlines, increased 129% compared to 2006 which only amount to 34 film headlines.

Bakri tells, in registration of the film to the advantage of agency producer because the in registration letter earns as deliverer for all needs referring to the production.

Besides the letter also earns as cover letter to The Institute of Film Censor because before circularized in cinema, according to Law Perfilman applied a film must get away censor.

" There is no any prohibition or resistance in producing the existing film. Era now makes film hardly easy to manage permit from his(its," says Bakri.

About the in registration importance, Bakri explains that the thing is more at requirement of government of data to how far development perfilman of Indonesia because government also must always pushs its(the development.

" Comes to light in registration usage of the film, doesn't contain element that Direktur Perfilman which [is] entitled to determine film may be made or no," he/she said.

Bakrie tells, " All clear and I submit transparently in so many opportunity. If(when still be felt unsatisfying, I will never be tired explains. Welcome please to my office in Gedung Film Lantai 4."

Description is written that mentions, more and more the good of public greeting to perfilman of Indonesia is expected to draws enthusiasm of the investors to invest in in the industry.

Iridescent coloured film world always invites keingin-tahuan public. In the middle of pro- counter of regulation perfilman of Indonesia seen strong intention of government for always supports all repair efforts in increasing quality and Indonesia film amount.

If there are assumption that government pursues hence Direktorat Perfilman would conveniently assists every film maker required clarity about rule of the game in film area.

Bakri tells, the sineas Indonesia gets amenity in producing film, especially in the case of cost. " Ahead film turned around in cinema is having format celluloid, but in line with progress of the existing technology of revolvable film in video format so that industry perfilman earns is quicker growed". ( Ant/OL-06)

Palestinian Soon Vehicle Import of Cuirass From Russia

RAMALLAH--MEDIA: The Government of Palestinian will import 50 vehicles of cuirass made in proximo Russia to strengthen its(the team in region Tepi Barat occupied by Israel. That way expressed

ministry in government country of Palestinian, Saturday ( 29/12).

" the Government of Palestinian will receive 50 vehicles of cuirass from Russia in coming month," said Palestinian The Minister of Home Affairs, Abdelrazak al Yehya. He adds the vehicles will only be applied to bring army.

Beginning of this month Israel delays the vehicles delivery because Palestinian claims the vehicle equiped with weight sten gun prohibited Palestinian security troops to as according to agreement Oslo.

Yehya tells one acceptances has been reached with Israel, but s(he doesn't explain will the vehicles be armed or no.

Israel and Palestinian last month makes a fresh start consultation of peace of Mid-East after seven years stucks, with Israel pledge will freeze setlement activity and Palestinian agrees increasing security and safety by the side of West. ( Ant/OL-06)

Replenishment of Tsunami Forewarning System Is quickened [by]

CILEGON—MEDIA: Target of solving of development of tsunami forewarning system ( Tsunami Early Warning System/TEWS) in Indonesia, according to Menristek Kusmayanto Kadiman, moved forward out of 2009 becoming 12 Novembers 2008.

" Formerly target of us 2009 systems TEWS in Indonesia completed attached at important points, but time is explained in front of President, asked to be able to be launched at 2008," said Menristek, in between preparation of simulation of tsunami handling ( Tsunami Drill) in Cilegon, Banten, Tuesday ( 25/12) night.

According To Research, target of expansion of TEWS moved forward by that is not like TEWS planned before all ( 2005) which with quality very good but needs big cost, remembers run government to start does various optimalisation in development of TEWS.

TEWS is working is same 16 institutions, so that will become essential part of tsunami forewarning system in Samudra Hindia which also supported by six other states.

Now has been attached five units buoy ( pelampung/rambu sea, red) as main equipments of TEWS attached in Indonesia water territory.

Two of buoy unit is contribution of the Government of Germany, one other units is attached in Sabang contribution from Malaysia, one units property of AS, and one units buoy again made in Indonesia x'self.

" Additional one units again, made in Indonesia which will be launched tomorrow," adds Menristek also.

Tsunami Drill 2007 will be executed along the beach Field Selago,

Ciwandan, Cilegon, Banten, at Wednesday ( 26/12) morning scheduled attended [by] President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Research express, third Drill Tsunami performed [a] in Banten, differs from first drill tsunami in Padang ( 2005) mostly entangling local resident, and in Bali ( 2006) which is anticipating disaster in area wisata.

" Tsunami drill in Banten is not only how to soon evacuates resident, but also faces possibility that chaos as result of its(the breakdown impact chemistry factories predominating this area," said him(her.

However, how anticipation of impact bigger than existence of the chemical plant, continuation of Menristek, ought to have owned procedure remain to be separate a real tight compared to other plant type so-called with fire triangle.

" How anticipating combustible gas, how bursting, which B-3 ( poisonous dangerous material, red), remembers clauses of their anticipation far more completely from other," said him(her again.

Research affirms, after learning from experience of exercise of tsunami drill before all, technological development shows progress signifikan.

simulation of Handling of tsunami in Padang before all, shows time needed to knows existence of tsunami around 30 minutes, in Bali becomes 10 minutes, and will be improved only becomes five minutes in Banten, said Menristek. ( Ant/OL-01)

Float TEWS Made In Indonesia Soon Is launched

BANTEN—MEDIA: Indonesia will launch 10 float units ( buoy) Tsunami Early Warning System ( TEWS) artificial in country starts January 2008.

" Next year will become busy year for us, because starts January 2008 there will be 20 buoy again is launched, 10 units among others made in Indonesia x'self," said Kepala Balai Teknologi Survei Kelautan BPPT Ridwan Djamaluddin in between Tsunami Drill to commemorate three years Acheh tsunami along the beach Selagu, Banten, Wednesday ( 26/12).

Germany renders 10 units buoy and United States one units. Then result of same job(activity of Indonesia-AS one units and one units again property of Norwegian attached by Malaysia. Total which will be launched to the last 2008 there are 23 units, he said.

Ridwan confess 23 units has not is ideal to take care of all Indonesia tsunami gristle coastal area, but have been enough optimal.

Buoy TEWS, he said, consisted of two bodyworks, that is float ( buoy) placed on the surface of sea and Ocean Bottom Unit ( OBU) put down in sea floor.

Sendor most important is Bottom Pressure Recorder ( BPR) a pressure gauge of sea floor in OBU which is sensitive to sea water coloum. Buoy TEWS is yoke to sea floor to apply ballast bound with steel chain and nylon that do not too far from OBU.

Its(the mode of action, their OBU increase of sea-waters as result of tsunami, data from OBU is sent to buoy to apply acoustic modem and buoy then sends data to station of receiver applies satellite.

In normal condition buoy sends data every one hours, but if happened tsunami buoy will send data every one minutes. Delivery time of data from OBU up to station of receiver is 1-2 minutes.

With earthquake characteristic in Indonesia sea territory, info from buoy expected to be acceptable within 5-15 minutes after earthquake, but depends on four p’s buoy to center earthquake. So public had enough time to evacuate.

Network buoy tsunami of vital importance and valuable because a real

useful to protect tens of million Indonesia publics in coastal area and hundreds of coastal area public in Indian Ocean, he/she said. ( Ant/OL-03)

PAN Has Not Discussed Presidential candidate Figure

PANGKALPINANG--MEDIA: Official Member Of DPP PAN has not whose discourse presidential candidate figure will ( presidential candidate) which will be proposed party is having symbol the sunrise in Pilpres 2009 coming.

" We will be awaiting result of legislative general election. If(When PAN obtains voice enough signifikan or 15 %, then candidate will be selected selectively," says Ketua DPP PAN Bidang Pemenangan Pemilu, Carapace Dryanto,di consorts Ketua DPP PAN Bidang Organisasi, Hakam Naja, in Pangkalpinang,

Saturday ( 29/12).

Official Member Of PAN hopes through proportional system applied by the party by denying serial number, cadre can struggle firm to reach for finite voice of acquirement of voice nationally can increase.

In choosing someone as presidential candidate, PAN specifies three criterions, like kapability, and value sells the candidate showed from track its(the record.

Candidate might possibly come from interen party and can also from outside party so long as fulfilling criterion is intended and is agreed official member. He tells, too early to call someone as presidential candidate figure from PAN. Even in the eyes of his(its, Head Leader PAN, SUTRISNO BACHIR has criterion required for presidential candidate, party has not will call candidate.

Now is done party is consolidation, strengthens bases is area and fights for aspiration of wishful public lived secure and prosperous. ( Ant/OL-06)

Andi Mallarangeng Signs Democrat Admission

Writer: Mahfud

JAKARTA--MEDIA: Presidency Mouthpiece of Andi Mallarangeng signs will greet successful Democrat proposal to marry carries Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to reach for seat President RI.

" a honour to struggle together moving forward country through Democrat," said Andi Mallarangeng, Saturday ( 29/12).

Chief DPP PARTAI DEMOKRAT ANAS URBANINGRUM before all express will offer Andi Mallarangeng to become official member of party. Andi calls Democrat as future party, middle party and modern party.

" Thus compatible for who only, especially for the rising generation which wish to build nation and state," he/she said.

But Andi refuses remark farther the problem of possibility annoyed it him(her performance as mouthpiece Kepresidenan if becomes official member of DPP Partai Demokrat. " We see is just later," his(its evasive. ( Fud/OL-06)

PABBSI Has Not Decided Follows Step Of PBSI

Writer: Thalatie Yani

JAKARTA--MEDIA: Association Head Leader of Weight lifting, Lifts Weight and Binaraga Seluruh Indonesia ( PABBSI) Adang Darajatun has not will take decision to prohibit atlet Olimpiade comes up in PON Kaltim 2008.

This thing is still being studied with all the line of official member of PABBSI and coach in the near time.

" This is being talked with coach etcetera, I have never taken decision x'self, because this its(the distance is near by will weigh," said Adang when met in Jakarta, Sabtu ( 29/12).

Before All Association Bulutangkis Seluruh Indonesia ( PBSI) has prohibited its(the atlet which will come up in Olimpiade act in PON. this PBSI Decision has got bless from Komite Olahraga Nasional ( KON).

According To Adang, time nearness the management of PON with Olimpiade 2008 of course makes PABBSI to consider impact which there will be to its(the atlet. Olympiad x'self will be passed off August 2008, while PON executed at July 2008.

" Now I didn't wish to comment formerly. Later we will study with coach. Hardly relating to ability, time exercised. Possibly later coach which will submit," said Adang.

In Olympiad 2008, Indonesia ascertains will come up in five branchs that is bulutangkis, weight lifting, archery, races bicycle and athletic. ( Rin/OL-06)

DTK-J Reject Increase Of Rate Buswy

Writer: David Tobing

JAKARTA--MEDIA: Transportation Council Kota-Jakarta ( DTK-J) refuses Local Government plan Provinsi DKI Jakarta to boost up rate busway per 1 January 2008, from Rp3500 becomes Rp5000.

" Busway still having many weakness which must be improve;repaired. Mainly, fill of minimum service standard," explicitly Ketua DTK-J Edie Toet Hendratno, in Jakarta, Sabtu ( 29/12).

Member Of DTK-J Harya Setya Dillon adds decision to boost up rate busway without memperhitungan service standard of a minimum of is something that is is ethical not. " Comfort of consumer in busway, arrival frequency busway, must beforehand is corrected," explicitly him(her.

Besides, DTK-J also highlights problem of system integration of transportation in town Jakarta. Transportation system missal busway shall be able to be combined with transportation system KRL Blue-Line. Combination between the transportation systems will streamline government job(activity to lessen level of traffic jam.

Member Of other DTK-J, Bambang Pujantiyo expects combination of the system yields level of high service also.

" Especially, level of vehicle comfort of public should be able to be equivalent with level of vehicle comfort of person. If(when this condition created, more opting consumer gone up publik transport,” explicitly him(her. ( Dvd/OL-06)

2008 the Government still Relying On Produce Of Chevron

2008 the Government still Relying On Produce Of Chevron

TARGET OF 2008: Menkeu Sri Mulyani ( right) and The Minister of ESDM PURNOMO YUSGIANTORO when giving explanation of Evaluasi 2007 and Rencana 2008 Sectors ESDM in Jakarta, Jumat ( 28/12). the Government still relying on produce of PT CPI for target of produce of commodity exchange incorporated 2008.

JAKARTA—MEDIA: The Government still relying on produce of commodity exchange incorporated PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia ( CPI) to reach target of produce of commodity exchange incorporated according to APBN 2008 1,084 million barrels per day.

Deputy Of Gas and oil Pate;Upstream Executor Body ( BP MIGAS) Abdul Muin in between meeting The Minister of ESDM PURNOMO YUSGIANTORO with the my pemang importance in sector ESDM in Jakarta, Jumat ( 28/12) tells, governmental expects productive Chevron around 441000 barrels per day at 2008.

Number produce of Chevron reachs 40,7% from national target 1,084 million barrels per day.

" Chevron has the potency. The key, ready to add well and does treatment only," he/she said.

Besides Chevron, his(its continuation, governmental also hopes at produce of PT Pertamina ( Persero) and ConocoPhillips.

According to him(her, almost in all fields managed by Pertamina to have commodity exchange incorporated potency enough heights.

Concerning Casket Block, Muin tells, the block of course will start is productive at 2008.

" But, because its(the production in year-end, hence addition of create 2008 small relative. The year 2009, Casket will give contribution of production enough big," he/she said.

Before all, in meeting with Komisi VII DPR, BP MIGAS targets production 2008 planned to comes inter alia from Chevron 426300 barrels per day, Pertamina 135600 barrels per day, Conoco SNSB 59400 barrels per day, Inpex 47900 barrels per day, CNOOC 47900 barrels per day, and Total Indonesie 45000 barrels per day.

Hereinafter, Medco E&P Rimau 31800 barrels per day, BP ONWJ 31000 barrels per day, BOB CPP 28000 barrels per day, Pertamina Hulu-PPI/JOA-JOB 25100 barrels per day, Petrochina Jabung 23000 barrels per day, and JOC Pertamina-Mobil Cepu 17200 barrels per day.

Besides field which have been long enough is exist, BP MIGAS also will rely on produce of commodity exchange incorporated 2008 of at least 22 new fields.

10 oil fields among others is productive new field at 2008.

Ke-10 the field is North Duri, Kotabatak, Bekapai, Handil, Tunu 11A, Ivory Island and Sungai Kenawang, Fariz, Kuat, Lion, and Tangguh.

Temporary, 12 other fields has started initial production 2007, but will reach production with number of which is big enough at 2008.

Ke-12 the field is SW Betara, Tunu 12, TSB, UJUNG PANGKAH, Soka, Fariz, NEON Aja, Balam South, KE-32, KE-38, KE-39, and KE-54. ( Ant/OL-03)