Selasa, 12 Februari 2008

Demarcation of BBM Totally

JAKARTA Demarcation of consumption of premium and diesel fuel subsidizes will be applied to all special motor vehicle types to categorize luxuriant car even at all is prohibited applies premium.

Oil Downstream Regulator Legs And Hands and Gas ( BPH MIGAS) Adi Subagyo tells BPH Migas is formulating classification of luxuriant pertained car. BPH MIGAS will consider vehicle type, year making, and capacities contents of cylinder ( cc). ” The data can be seen from vehicle number sign letter ( STNK) yangdimiliki,”ujar AdiSubagyo to SINDO in Jakarta yesterday. To categorize nonmewah, demarcation will be done with quota system. ” What differentiates it quota only which its(the diterima,”ujar.

BPH MIGAS still studying quota magnitude which will be received masingmasing the biggest kendaraanKuota type will be received transportation of public. ” Its(the demarcation publik transport more diffusely because concerning importance of people banyak,”kata Adi. He guarantees smart card usage ( smart card) in demarcation program of consumption of premium and diesel fuel subsidizes this is not leakage gristle.

Its(the reason, the card cannot be diperjualbelikan and migrated. ” safe Insya Allah,” he said. In observation of realization of the demarcation BPH Migas will co-ordinate with related party(sides like police, On Duty Then Lintasdan Angkutan Jalan Raya ( DDLAJR),SERTAGABUNGAN INDUSTRI KENDARAAN BERMOTOR INDONESIA ( Gaikindo).

the Government will implement demarcation program of consumption of premium and diesel fuel starts May 2008Pada phase awal,pembatasan will be done in Jakarta,Bogor,Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi ( Jabodetabek). Hereinafter, demarcation include;covers all Java and Bali till end of 2008.

From total target of thrift of oil fuel subsidy ( BBM) equal to Rp10 triliun, demarcation of consumption of premium and diesel fuel is estimated to contributes thrift of Rp7–8 triliun. The rest, Rp2-3 triliun,akan obtained from thrift of consumption of kerosene. Demarcation of consumption of premium and diesel fuel will be done through smart card usage ( smart card) what has concevutive number code. This smart card will be glued in windshield.

Each time station admission of public bunkering ( SPBU),KARTU will be read by means of ... pemindai which incircuit with computer which in it there is data ownership of vehicle. ” The card will destroy if makes a move to other place. Thereby, opportunity the happening of penya-lahgunaan of smart card pertained kecil,”kata Adi.

National Entrepreneur Gathering Head Leader of Oil and Gas ( Hiswana Migas) Muhammad Nur Adib hopes government to fulfill all requirement of equipments in related SPBU of execution of demarcation program of premium and solarPengadaan alatalat to support the program requires big fund. ” We ask government to provide software and also hardware in every its(the SPBU,”tandas.

Director of marketing and Niaga Pertamina Achmad Faisal tells up to now Pertamina still be awaiting result of demarcation study of consumption BBM done by BPH MigasPertamina has not known detail implementation of the program in field. ” We only as pelaksana,”kata him(her.

Purchasing power Compress

In place of terpisah,Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia ( Apindo) Sofjan Wanandi sees demarcation of BBM subsidizes premium category and diesel fuel will remain affect to industrial development. However, the program indirectly will depress public purchasing power.

” Public would increasingly selective in going shopping. They would more related money allocations of requirement of BBM,”ujar Sofjan in Jakarta yesterday. Namun,dia confess that demarcation of BBM subsidizes is policy the only which able to be gone through government when iniKebutuhan financing of stabilization program of food price is strong reason to do demarcation of consumption BBM to subsidize.

” If remain to channel subsidy BBM as usual and concurrently accounts subsidy pangan,beban government would hardly beratBisa breakdown dia,”kata Sofjan. Even that way, Sofjan asks government bersungguhsungguh to draw up implementation of demarcation plan of BBM subsidizes. With demikian,pelaksanaan the program not instead generates boomerang for government, like extending practice of smuggling BBM. ” Doesn't like when executing conversion migas which result of his(its not effective of its(the government effect is too grasa-grusu ( in a hurry) and without persiapan,”kata him(her.

According To Sofjan, government must be assertive determines party(side implementation and controls execution of policy of demarcation. Besides, policy receiver target must really is determined government in order not to wrong of target. ” the Government still must control its(the applying stringency for the shake of avoiding practice of its(the manipulasi,”tegas.

Vice Chairman Of Chamber of commerce and industry ( Indonesian chamber of commerce) Invesment Area Indonesia Chris Kanter tells government must mature execution concept and observation of demarcation program of consumption BBM subsidizes my Sebab see government also still have not determined will which be taken away from so much pilihanTentu most importantly from so much option is which able to be effective depress kebocoran,”ujar Chris.

Level of leakage at execution of subsidizing till now sangatt inggi. That thing is because immature planning and observation. ” We do not again repeat like itu,”kata him(her. Touched is this demarcation policy can affect at industry, Chris confessed had not can ascertain. According to him(her, big or the so small impact which able to be felt industry would hardly base on regulation and supervision maturity of implementation of the demarcation. ( ferial thalib/ zaenal muttaqin)

1 komentar:

Jo Blogger mengatakan...

blog nya bagus banget, saya akan berkunjung tiap hari nich kayaknya. klo bisa mohon di link dan di folloer blog saya ya ntar pasti aku bales add juga deh..
nich blognya :

saya Tunggu ya sohib baru ku !